ComponentOne True DBGrid for WinForms
Split Properties Common to C1TrueDBGrid
How to Use Splits > Referencing Splits and their Properties > Split Properties Common to C1TrueDBGrid

The following properties, which are supported by both Split and C1TrueDBGrid objects, adhere to the rules described in the preceding section:

Property Description
AllowColMove Enables interactive column movement.
AllowColSelect Enables interactive column selection.
AllowRowSelect Enables interactive row selection.
AllowRowSizing Enables interactive row resizing.
AlternatingRowStyle Controls whether even/odd row styles are applied to a split.
CaptionStyle Controls the caption style for a split.
CurrentCellVisible Sets/returns modification status of the current cell.
ExtendRightColumn Sets/returns extended right column for a split.
FetchRowStyles Controls whether the FetchRowStyle event will be fired.
FirstRow Bookmark of row occupying first display line.
LeftCol Returns the leftmost visible column.
MarqueeStyle Sets/returns marquee style for a split.
RecordSelectors Shows/hides selection panel at left border.
Note: The Caption property is not included in this list, even though it is supported by both objects. Since grids and splits maintain separate caption bars, setting the Caption property of the grid does not apply the same string to each split caption.
See Also