ComponentOne Studio - Cloud Business App Edition
LinearGauge Features

The table below shows a list of features supported by LinearGauge for Cloud Business Application:


Possible Values


Adjust Gauge Direction String Shows a list of options for user to specify the direction in which the gauge is filled.
Allow Editing Boolean Allows to edit the current value in gauge using the mouse and the keyboard.
Set Max and Min Values Number Allows user to specify the maximum and minimum value that can be displayed on the gauge.
Set Pointer Range Allows to specify the range to represent current value in the gauge control.
Set Ranges Collection of Ranges Allows user to display ranges in gauge control.
Adjust Thickness Number Allows to specify the thickness of gauge control, on a scale between zero and one.

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You can set these properties in the designer through the Properties window. The example below demonstrates how to enable Direction in LinearGauge using ApplicationData.Fruits data from the local database file ApplicationData.mdf.

  1. In the designer, select the LinearGauge to open the Properties window.
  2. In the Properties window, expand the Advanced tab node.
  3. Select Right from the drop down corresponding to Direction.

  4. Press F5 to run the project.
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