ComponentOne ASP.NET MVC Controls
Cube Data Binding using DataEngine
ASP.NET Core MVC Controls > Controls > OLAP > Work with OLAP > Data Binding > Cube Data Binding using DataEngine

This section describes the steps required to add cube data in the OLAP control using SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services). In the example below, the PivotEngine component binds to a service. In this the DataEngine Web Api is supported, the data engine is responsible for data aggregation in this example. The PivotPanel control and PivotGrid control binds the Pivo


This topic comprises of the following steps:

Step 1: Create an MVC Application using Visual Studio template

Create an ASP.NET MVC Application using Visual Studio template to enable WebAPI configuration.

  1. Select File | New | Project.
  2. Under installed templates, select Visual C# | Web | ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework).
  3. In the New ASP.NET Web Application dialog, select the MVC template.
  4. Under "Add folders and core references for", check Web API. Click OK.
    For more information about licensing, resource registration, and assembly references, see Using Visual Studio Template.

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Step 2: Install the DataEngine Web API

Install the DataEngine Web API and C1.WebApi packages from the NuGet server.

  1. Select GrapeCity from the Package source drop-down, in NuGet Package manager of your application.
  2. Browse for the DataEngine Web API packages, and install them.

    You will see that the following references are added to your Visual Studio project.

Step 3: Configure Startup.cs

After adding the required references, you need to configure the Startup.cs to fetch the data that is stored on SSAS server.

  1. In Solution Explorer, select your target project.
  2. On the Project menu, click Add New Item option.
  3. In the Add New Item dialog, select Web and then select OWIN Startup class template from the list on right.
  4. In the Startup.cs file, add the following code inside the Startup class.
    using C1.DataEngine;
    using Microsoft.Owin;
    using Owin;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web.Http;
    using OlapSSAS.Models;
    [assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(OlapSSAS.Startup))]
    namespace OlapSSAS
     public partial class Startup
     private readonly HttpConfiguration config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
     public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
     @"Data Source=;
    Provider=msolap;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDW2012Multidimensional", 
     "Adventure Works");

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Step 4: Add an OLAP control

Create a Controller and View for OLAP control and follow the below steps to initialize an OLAP control.

Add a new Controller

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right click the folder Controllers.
  2. From the context menu, select Add | Controller. The Add Scaffold dialog appears.
  3. Complete the following steps in the Add Scaffold dialog:
    1. Select Empty MVC Controller template.
    2. Set name of the controller (for example: OlapController).
    3. Click Add.
  4. Replace the method Index() with the following method.
    // GET: SSAS
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();
Add a View for the Controller
  1. From the Solution Explorer, expand the folder Controllers and double click the OlapController.
  2. Place the cursor inside the method Index().
  3. Right click and select Add View. The Add View dialog appears.
  4. In the Add View dialog, verify that the view name is Index and View engine is Razor (CSHTML).
  5. Click Add to add a view is for the controller. Copy the following code and paste it inside Index.cshtml.
    Copy Code
    @using C1.Web.Mvc.Grid
    <c1-pivot-engine id="ssasEngine" service-url="~/api/dataengine/cube">
        <c1-view-field-collection c1-property="RowFields" items="[Customer].[Country]"></c1-view-field-collection>
        <c1-view-field-collection c1-property="ColumnFields" items="[Customer].[Occupation]"></c1-view-field-collection>
        <c1-view-field-collection c1-property="ValueFields" items="[Measures].[Customer Count]"></c1-view-field-collection>

Step 5: Build and Run the Project

  1. Click Build | Build Solution to build the project.
  2. Press F5 to run the project.
    Append the folder name and view name to the generated URL (for example: http://localhost:1234/Olap/Index) in the address bar of the browser to see the view.
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See Also
