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jQuery and jQuery UI Resources

The internet is already filled with hundreds – perhaps even thousands! –  of pages of  jQuery UI resources, and it’s easy to get lost in the abundance of information. To give you a little boost, the Wijmo team has compiled a list of resources that have helped us out along the way.

Site Description The official page of the jQuery library project. You can find everything here from comprehensive documentation ( to tutorials ( Visit the jQueryUI team at the official site of the jQuery UI widget project. While there, take a moment to check out their demos and docs (
ThemeRoller Skin your Wijmo widgets using the ThemeRoller app. Use or modify a pre-existing theme or roll your own. It’s easy – and you don’t have to be a graphic designer to use it to make spiffy themes.
Creating a Keyboard with CSS and jQuery Useful for a ton of projects? Probably not. Wicked awesome and fun to learn from? Definitely. 
Web Designer Wall: jQuery Tutorials for Designers This page from Web Designer Wall  contains 10 visual tutorials that will walk Web designers and even n00bs through the basics of applying Javascript effects with jQuery.



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