MVC5 Classic
jQuery Options

jQuery options are simply properties passed into a widget as an argument. Each Wijmo widget has a default configuration of options; of course, there will be instances where you want to override these defaults to customize the widget.

To give an example, let’s assume that the wijprogressbar widget has a maxValue option with a default value of 100, but you’d like this value to be 85. Changing the maxValue option from its default to a value of 85 is as simple as passing an argument to the wijprogressbar:

    maxValue: 85

With the maxValue option set to 85, the range of values on the wijprogressbar widget will be 0 – 85, as the minValue property is set to 0 by default. If you want to change the minValue option to 25, just add a comma after the maxValue argument and then write your minValue argument:

    maxValue: 85,
    minValue: 25

You can pass as many options to the widget as you want – just remember your commas!



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