The C1Menu type exposes the following members.


Public eventDisposing (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventHidden
Occurs if the menu is hidden.
Public eventHiding
Occurs if the menu is hiding.
Public eventItemBlur
Occurrs when the focus leaves the menu item.
Public eventItemChecked
Occurs when the menu item is checked.
Public eventItemClick
Occurrs when the menu item is clicked.
Public eventItemFocus
Occurrs when the menu item receives focus.
Public eventItemMouseDown
Occurrs when the mouse pointer moves down the menu item.
Public eventItemMouseOut
Occurrs when the mouse pointer moves out of the menu item.
Public eventItemMouseOver
Occurrs when the mouse pointer moves over the menu item.
Public eventItemMouseUp
Occurrs when the mouse pointer moves up the menu item.
Public eventItemUnChecked
Occurs when the menu item is unchecked.
Public eventPropertyChanged (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventScrollBehaviorInit
Occurs when scroll behavior initialized.
Public eventShowing
Occurs before show context menu.
Public eventShown
Occurs when the context menu shown.

See Also