ListView for ASP.NET Web Forms
normal Select
Elements > C1ListView Items > C1ListViewControlGroupItem > normal Select

This is the default setting for the C1ListViewControlGroupItem. A C1ListViewControlGroupItem set to 'normal select' will allow users to select items from a drop-down list, as in the following image:

The markup used to create a normal select item resembles the following: 

<cc1:C1ListViewControlGroupItem LabelText="Priority">
   <innerlistcontrols rows="5">

Note that the select items are created using the <innerlistcontrols> markup. If you're working in the C1ListView Designer Form, you can set the associated properties either in the markup, or by selecting the correct C1ListViewControlGroupItem in the Edit tab.

You can also create a select item with a drop-down menu that opens as an overlay with a pop transition as in the following image:

You can achieve this type of select item by setting the NativeMenu property to False:

  <cc1:C1ListViewControlGroupItem LabelText="Priority" NativeMenu="False">  
       <innerlistcontrols rows="5">  

See Also