ListView for ASP.NET Web Forms
Designer Form Menu
Design-Time Support > Designer Form > Exploring the Designer Form > Designer Form Menu

The C1ListView Designer Form Menu contains the menu and submenu items described in the following table: 

Menu Item Submenu Item Item Icon Description
File Load from XML Load formatting for a C1ListView control from an .xml file
Save as XML Save the C1ListView formatting to an .xml file.
Exit Closes the C1ListView Designer Form.
Edit Insert Item Inserts a new C1ListViewItem at the specified place in the C1ListViewcontrol. Choosing this menu item will open a submenu of item types to select.
Add Child This adds a new C1ListViewItem to the C1ListView control or to one of the C1ListViewItems. Choosing this menu item will open a submenu of item types to select.
Cut Cuts the C1ListViewItemto be moved from the C1ListView control.
Copy Copies the selected C1ListViewItem
Paste Pastes the copied or cut C1ListViewItem to a specified location in the C1ListView control.
Delete Completely removes the selected C1ListViewItem 
Rename Allows you to rename the selected C1ListView or C1ListViewItem
See Also