ComponentOne Input for WinForms
Data Navigation and Actions Using C1DbNavigator
Input for WinForms Tutorials > Data Navigation and Actions Using C1DbNavigator

This tutorial demonstrates the main features of the C1DbNavigator control. It is primarily used to navigate through data source rows, but it can also be used to perform common actions on data such as adding rows, confirming changes, updating the data source, refreshing from the data source (canceling changes), and others.

  1. Create a new Windows Application project.
  2. Place the following components on the form as shown in the figure:
    • C1ExpressConnection (C1.Data.Express.C1ExpressConnection)
    • C1ExpressTable1-2 (C1.Data.Express.C1ExpressTable)
    • C1Label1-3 (C1.Win.C1Input.C1Label)
    • DataGridView1-2 (System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView)
    • C1DbNavigator1-3 (C1.Win.C1Input.C1DbNavigator)
    • Button1 (System.Windows.Forms.Button)

  3. From the Properties window, set the following properties for the C1Label and Button controls:
    Control Property Value
    C1Label1 TextDetached True
    Text Customers:
    C1Label2 TextDetached True
    Text Orders:
    C1Label3 TextDetached True
    Text Update/Refresh:
    Button1 Name btnClose
    Text Close
  4. Select the C1ExpressConnection1 component, go to the Properties window, open the ConnectionString property. Add the following to the ConnectionString property: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="Documents\ComponentOne Samples\Common​\C1NWind.mdb".
  5. Set the properties of C1ExpressTable1-2 as follows:
    Control Property Value
    C1ExpressTable1 ConnectionComponent C1ExpressConnection1
    DbTableName Customers
    C1ExpressTable2 ConnectionComponent C1ExpressConnection1
    DbTableName Orders
  6. Also, you need to set the AutoIncrement property of the OrderID field in C1ExpressTable2, otherwise you will not be able to update data in the database: Select C1ExpressTable2, press the ellipsis button in the Properties window for the Fields property to open the Fields dialog box, select the OrderID field and set its AutoIncrement property to ClientAndServer. This is necessary because OrderID is an autoincrement field in the database, so it must be treated accordingly by C1DataExpress.

    Create a master-detail relation between C1ExpressTable1 (master) and C1ExpressTable2 (detail):

  7. Press the ellipsis button in the Relations property of the C1ExpressionConnection1 control to open the Relations dialog box.
  8. In the dialog box, select Customers for Parent, Orders for Child, add a join with CustomerID for both Parent field and Child field, press OK to close the Relations dialog box.
  9. To bind controls to the data source, set the following properties:
    Control Property Value
    DataGridView1 DataSource C1ExpressConnection1
    DataMember _Customers
    C1DbNavigator1 DataSource C1ExpressConnection1
    DataMember _Customers
    DataGridView2 DataSource C1ExpressConnection1
    DataMember _Customers.Customers – Orders
    C1DbNavigator2 DataSource C1ExpressConnection1
    DataMember _Customers.Customers – Orders
  10. Now C1DbNavigator1 allows us to navigate the master table Customers, and the detail table Orders. However, we want some more functionality for our navigator control. We want the user to be able to perform common data action pressing navigator buttons. Using the VisibleButtons property, show the following buttons for C1DbNavigator1-2: Add, Delete, Apply, Cancel. By default, a navigator control also shows the current row number and row count. To save space, hide this information be setting the PositionVisible property to False.
  11. The third navigator control, C1DbNavigator3 is used to perform update and refresh for the whole data set (both tables Customers and Orders). To hide redundant navigator fields and buttons, set PositionVisible to False and select only two buttons, Update and Refresh in the VisibleButtons property. Update and Refresh buttons do not have built-in functionality, since their function may be different with different data sources. To make them work, you need to write code in event handlers. Create the following event handlers:

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Private Sub C1DbNavigator3_UpdateData(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1DbNavigator3.UpdateData
    End Sub
    Private Sub C1DbNavigator3_RefreshData(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1DbNavigator3.RefreshData
    End Sub

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    private void c1DbNavigator3_UpdateData(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    private void c1DbNavigator3_RefreshData(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  12. Navigator buttons can be monochrome, color (ColorButtons property set to True) or changing their color when hovered over (ColorWhenHover property set to True). They can also be three-dimensional (standard) or flat depending on the ButtonStyle property. Set the following properties:
    Control Property Value
    C1DbNavigator1 ButtonStyle Standard
    C1DbNavigator1.ColorButtons True
    C1DbNavigator2 ButtonStyle Standard
    ColorButtons True
    C1DbNavigator3 ButtonStyle Standard
    ColorButtons True

    Using properties UIStrings and ButtonToolTips, it is also possible to change the text displayed in the navigator and to change button ToolTips. For instance, we could specify the first button ToolTip as “Select the first customer” instead of the default “First record”. These properties can also be used to localize your application.

Run the program and observe the following: