ComponentOne Input for WinForms
Binding C1CheckBox to an Integer Field
Input for WinForms Task-Based Help > Binding C1CheckBox > Binding C1CheckBox to an Integer Field

To programmatically bind C1CheckBox to an Integer field, use the following code:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
Copy Code
c1CheckBox1.DataSource = dt
c1CheckBox1.DataField = "ColumnInt"
c1CheckBox1.DataType = GetType(Integer)
‘Use TranslateValues property to translate string values to/from the check box states. 
c1CheckBox1.TranslateValues.Checked = 1
c1CheckBox1.TranslateValues.Unchecked = 0

To write code in C#

Copy Code
c1CheckBox1.DataSource = dt;
c1CheckBox1.DataField = "ColumnInt";
c1CheckBox1.DataType = typeof(int);
// Use TranslateValues property to translate string values to/from the check box states. 
c1CheckBox1.TranslateValues.Checked = 1;
c1CheckBox1.TranslateValues.Unchecked = 0;
See Also