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C1OlapEngine Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by C1OlapEngine.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorC1OlapEngine ConstructorInitializes a new instance of a C1OlapEngine.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyColumnFieldsGets a list of C1OlapField objects that define the fields shown as columns in the output table.  
Public PropertyDataSourceGets or sets the object that contains data to be analyzed.  
Public PropertyFieldsGets the list of C1OlapField objects exposed by the data source.  
Public PropertyFilteredItemCountGets the number of elements that are represented in the current view.  
Public PropertyFilterFieldsGets a list of C1OlapField objects that define the fields used as filters for the output table.  
Public PropertyIsViewDefinedGets a value that determines whether an Olap view is currently defined.  
Public PropertyItemCountGets the number of elements that in the data source.  
Public PropertyOlapDefaultViewGets the default System.ComponentModel.IBindingList that exposes the data in the OlapTable.  
Public PropertyOlapTableGets the System.Data.DataTable that contains the output of the Olap analysis.  
Public PropertyRowFieldsGets a list of C1OlapField objects that define the fields shown as rows in the output table.  
Public PropertyShowKeyColumnsGets or sets a value that determines whether the Olap output table should include columns containing the row keys.  
Public PropertyShowTotalsColumnsGets or sets a value that determines whether the Olap output table should include columns containing subtotals or grand totals.  
Public PropertyShowTotalsRowsGets or sets a value that determines whether the Olapoutput table should include rows containing subtotals or grand totals.  
Public PropertyShowZerosGets or sets a value that determines whether the Olap output table should use zeros to indicate missing values.  
Public PropertyValueFieldGets the first C1OlapField in the ValueFields collection, or null if the collection is empty.  
Public PropertyValueFieldsGets a list of C1OlapField objects that define the fields summarized in the cells of the output table.  
Public PropertyViewDefinitionGets or sets the Olap view definition as an Xml string.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBeginUpdateSuspend automatic updates to the output table while defining the Olap view.  
Public MethodCancelUpdateRequests cancellation of a pending request operation.  
Public MethodEndUpdateRestore automatic updates to the output table after the Olap view has been defined.  
Public MethodGetDetailOverloaded. Gets a list of objects in the raw data source that define the content of a specific cell in the output table exposed by the OlapTable property.  
Public MethodGetOlapKeyOverloaded. Gets the C1OlapKey associated with a System.Data.DataColumn on an Olap table.  
Public MethodGetViewTitleOverloaded. Gets a string with a title describing the current view.  
Public MethodReadXmlOverloaded. Reads an Olap view definition from an System.Xml.XmlReader.  
Public MethodTransposeFieldsTransposes the fields in the current view so rows become columns and columns become rows.  
Public MethodUpdateCauses the C1OlapEngine to rebuild the output table exposed by the OlapTable property.  
Public MethodWriteXmlOverloaded. Saves the current Olap view definition into an System.Xml.XmlWriter.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnLoadedFieldsRaises the LoadedFields event.  
Protected MethodOnUpdatedRaises the Updated event.  
Protected MethodOnUpdatingRaises the Updating event.  
Public Events
Public EventLoadedFieldsFires after the C1OlapEngine finishes loading the fields for the current DataSource.  
Public EventUpdatedFires after the C1OlapEngine finishes the Olap analysis and the output OlapTable is ready, or the analysis operation is cancelled.  
Public EventUpdateProgressChangedFires when the update progress of the C1OlapEngine is changed.  
Public EventUpdatingFires before the C1OlapEngine starts updating the output OlapTable.  
See Also


C1OlapEngine Class
C1.Olap Namespace

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