ComponentOne GanttView for WinForms
GanttView for WinForms Samples

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos which may make use of other development tools included with the ComponentOne Studio.

Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path:

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms

The following table provides a short overview of each sample.

Sample Description
CustomColumn This sample adds the special column (Actual Cost) that is calculated as a full cost of the resource multiplied by the amount of the resource usage. The value in the "Actual Cose" column is recalculated each time when any of its source values (such as resource cost or task duration) is changed.
HowToDoItInCode This sample shows how to do runtime things in code such as loading and saving ganttview files, adding predecessors, adding resources, adding time scales, removing time scales, inserting tasks, removing tasks, and deleting tasks.
PrintingSample This sample represents how the printing feature works with the custom styles.
SoftwareDevelopmentPlan Demonstrates an example that uses C1Ribbon to replace ToolStip in C1GanttView.
ZoomSample This sample shows how to do some zoom operations using the C1GanttView control.