Class | Description | |
AdvancedFilter | Uses to filter tasks by multi conditions. | |
AdvancedFilterCollection | Class for storing exist advanced filters in FilterDefinition. | |
BarStyle | Specifies style settings for drawing a bar on the Gantt Chart. | |
BarStyleCollection | Represents a collection of bar styles. | |
BaseColumn | Specifies the properties of a grid column. | |
BaseCommand | This class represents the a command in GanttView. | |
BaseGroup | Base group that implements IComparer<BaseTask>. | |
BaseObject | Base object that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. | |
BaseTask | Represents a task in the project. | |
BaseTaskFilter | Base class for all task filters. | |
BaseTestOperator | Base class implemented by test operator objects. | |
BaseWorkWeek | The default working times for a work week. | |
C1GanttView | Represents the Gantt Chart control. | |
CalendarException | Specifies the working times (calendar) exception. | |
CalendarExceptionCollection | Represents a collection of calendar exceptions. | |
CancelTaskArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView.BeforeAddTask, C1GanttView.BeforeEditTask, C1GanttView.AfterEditTask events. | |
CancelTasksArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView.BeforeMoveTasks, C1GanttView.AfterMoveTasks events. | |
ColumnCollection | Represents a collection of grid columns. | |
CompletedTasksFilter | Uses to filter the completed tasks. | |
ConditionTaskFilter | The filter with specific condition. | |
ConstraintTypeGroup | Represents the group model by ConstraintType. | |
ContainExactlyOperator | Represents the 'contain exactly' operator. | |
ContainOperator | Represents the 'contain' operator. | |
CustomCalendar | Identifies working times for the project tasks. | |
CustomCalendarCollection | Represents a collection of custom calendars. | |
CustomFieldColumn | Specifies the properties of a custom grid column. | |
CustomFieldGroup | Represents the group model by CustomField. | |
CustomTaskPropertyDescriptor | This class represents property description for custom field. | |
DateRangeFilter | Uses to filter the tasks have start, finish date in a specific date range. | |
DayWorkingTimes | The working times for a specific day. | |
DoesNotContainOperator | Represents the 'does not contain' operator. | |
DoesNotEqualOperator | Represents the 'does not equal' operator. | |
DurationGroup | Represents the group model by Duration. | |
DurationOnlyTasksFilter | Uses to filter the duration only tasks. | |
EqualOperator | Represents the 'equal' operator. | |
FieldStyle | Specifies the style settings for the specific field of task on grid view. | |
FieldStyleCollection | The collection of field styles. | |
FilterDefinition | This class used to store filter definitions. | |
GroupDefinition | This class used to manage grouping. | |
GroupForm | Represents the form for grouping by multi properties. | |
GroupModelCollection | This class represents the collection of group models. | |
IncompleteTasksFilter | Uses to filter the incomplete tasks. | |
IsGreaterThanOperator | Represents the 'is greater than' operator. | |
IsGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator | Represents the 'is greater than or equal to' operator. | |
IsLessThanOperator | Represents the 'is less than' operator. | |
IsLessThanOrEqualToOperator | Represents the 'is less than or equal to' operator. | |
IsNotWithinOperator | Represents the 'is not within' operator. | |
IsWithinOperator | Represents the 'is within' operator. | |
ItemEventArgs | This class represent data of binding list event. | |
LateTasksFilter | Uses to filter the late tasks. | |
LayoutForm | ||
LinkForm | Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Form that allows user to manage task settings. | |
MilestonesGroup | Represents the group model by Milestones. | |
MilestoneTasksFilter | Uses to filter the milestone tasks. | |
Options | Provides options for C1GanttView | |
PaintDayEventArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView.PaintDay event. | |
PartDates | Represents dates (starts and finishes) of task's parts. | |
Parts | Represents parts of splitted task. | |
Predecessor | Specifies the dependence of one task on the other task. | |
PredecessorCollection | Represents a collection of task predecessors. | |
ProgressLine | Represents a line on the timescale that draws attention to tasks that are ahead or behind the schedule. | |
Project | Represents the project data. | |
PropertyComparerInfo | This class stores info about property to compare and direction. | |
RecurrencePattern | Specifies the recurrence pattern for the events, such as tasks or calendar exceptions. | |
Resource | Represents a resource in the project. | |
ResourceCollection | Represents a collection of resources. | |
ResourceGroup | Represents the group model by ResourceNames. | |
ResourceRef | Specifies the reference to a resource object. | |
ResourceRefCollection | Represents a collection of resource references. | |
ScaleTier | Switches time units and date formats for a level of timescale. | |
Schedule | Represents the schedule options. | |
ShowDialogEventArgs | Provides data for the C1GanttView.ShowDialog event. | |
ShowLinkDialogEventArgs | Provides data for the C1GanttView.ShowDialog event. | |
StatusGroup | Represents the group model by Status Date. | |
SummaryTasksFilter | Uses to filter the summary tasks. | |
Task | Represents a task in the project. | |
TaskBarClickEventArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView.TaskBarClick event. | |
TaskBarTooltipEventArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView.TaskBarTooltip event. | |
TaskCollection | Represents a collection of tasks. | |
TaskComparer | This class is a task comparer for sorting. | |
TaskCompleteGroup | Represents the group model by PercentComplete. | |
TaskForm | Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Form that allows user to manage task settings. | |
TaskModeGroup | Represents the group model by TaskMode. | |
TaskPropertyColumn | Specifies the properties of a predefined grid column. | |
TestOperators | This class holds all reference to all BaseTestOperator objects. | |
TimeInterval | Specifies the working time interval. | |
Timescale | Adjusts the timescale display settings. | |
UsingResourceFilter | Uses to filter the tasks by resource. | |
WorkingTimes | Specifies the day working times. | |
WorkWeek | Specifies a work week for a given period. | |
WorkWeekCollection | Represents a collection of work weeks. |