FileExplorer for ASP.NET Web Forms
Display Modes
Explore Features > Display Modes

You can change the display mode for the FileExplorer control, as well as the file grid that is displayed in the right pane.

The FileExplorer can be displayed in two modes.

Complete the following steps to change the display mode of the FileExplorer.

In Design View

  1. Right click the FileExplorer and select Properties.
  2. In the Properties Window, set the Mode property to Default or TreeView.
  3. Set the ViewMode property to Detail or Thumbnail.
You can set the ViewMode property for the for the files and folders in the files browser, only when the Mode property is set to Default.

In Source View

Set the Mode and ViewMode property in the <cc1:C1FileExplorer> tag, to change the display of the FileExplorer.

<cc1:C1FileExplorer ID="C1FileExplorer1"  runat="server" VisibleControls="All"  ViewPaths="Example" Mode="Default" ViewMode="Thumbnail">

In Code

Add the following code to the Page_Load event to change the display of the FileExplorer.

To write code in C#

C1FileExplorer1.Mode = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FileExplorer.ExplorerMode.Default;
C1FileExplorer1.ViewMode = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FileExplorer.ViewMode.Detail;

To write code in Visual Basic

C1FileExplorer1.Mode = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FileExplorer.ExplorerMode.Default
C1FileExplorer1.ViewMode = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FileExplorer.ViewMode.Detail