C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassC1BoxView A C1TextElementView that handles the layout and painting for C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement.Margin, C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement.Padding and C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement.BorderThickness.
ClassC1FlowView A C1TextElementView that flows text into stacked lines. This is the default view for most text blocks.
ClassC1GridlinesPainter Paints the grid lines of a table.
ClassC1Line Represents a line of text generated by a C1FlowView.
ClassC1LineFragment Represents a fragment of a C1Line. Its always associated with one C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement
ClassC1ListItemView The C1TextElementView associated with C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1ListItem.
ClassC1PageLayout Defines the layout used for the pages when C1RichTextBox.ViewMode is TextViewMode.Print.
ClassC1PagesPanel Helper panel for C1RichTextBox's print view.
ClassC1PainterMerger Implements an IRichTextPainter that combines multiple IRichTextPainters.
ClassC1PaintingContext Provides the necessary context when painting rich text.
ClassC1RangeStyle Contains a C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElementStyle that should be applied to a C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextRange in an IStyleOverride.
ClassC1RangeStyleCollection An implementation of IStyleOverride that provides an easy way to override styles with a pre calculated collection of C1RangeStyle.
ClassC1ResizePainter Paints resize thumbs around a C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement.
ClassC1RichTextBox Powerful rich text editor that allows you to load, edit, and save formatted text as HTML documents.
ClassC1RichTextPresenter Control used to display the content of a C1RichTextViewManager.
ClassC1RichTextPresenterSource Associates a C1RichTextPresenter to a C1RichTextViewManager. See C1RichTextViewManager.Presenters.
ClassC1RichTextViewManager Coordinates the layout and painting of a C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Document.
ClassC1RunView The C1TextElementView associated with C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Run.
ClassC1SelectionPainter Paints a selected range.
ClassC1SpanView The C1TextElementView associated with C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Span.
ClassC1StyleOverrideMerger Implements an IStyleOverride that combines multiple IStyleOverrids.
ClassC1TableCellView The C1TextElementView associated with C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TableCell.
ClassC1TableHelper Distributes the cells of a C1Table in a grid taking column and row spans into account.
ClassC1TableRowView The C1TextElementView associated with C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TableRow.
ClassC1TableView The C1TextElementView associated with C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Table.
ClassC1TextChangedEventArgs Provides data for C1RichTextBox.TextChanged, C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement.TextChanged and C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement.TextChanging events.
ClassC1TextElementView Base class of all classes responsible for text layout and painting.
ClassC1UIContainerView The C1TextElementView associated with C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1BlockUIContainer and C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1InlineUIContainer.
ClassEditExtensions Provides extensions methods for editing a C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Document.
ClassImageAttach Defines attached properties to save an image stream in a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage object.
ClassRequestNavigateEventArgs Provides data for the C1RichTextBox.RequestNavigate event.
ClassRichTextPainterChangeEventArgs Defines the arguments for the IRichTextPainter.PainterChanged event.
ClassScrollPresenter Helper panel for C1RichTextBox.
ClassStyleOverrideChangeEventArgs Defines the arguments for the IStyleOverride.StylesChanged event.
ClassTextDragMoveEventArgs Provides data for the C1RichTextBox.TextDragMove event.
ClassTextDropEventArgs Provides data for the C1RichTextBox.TextDrop event.
InterfaceIRichTextPainter This interface is implemented to provide custom painting inside a C1RichTextBox, or any C1RichTextViewManager client.
InterfaceIStyleOverride This interface is implemented to provide style overrides to a C1RichTextBox.
EnumerationC1BorderFlags An flag enumeration to list border sides.
EnumerationC1FindOptions Specifies the options to use when doing a text search.
EnumerationC1PaintLayer Describes the layers where an element can be painted inside a text line. See C1PaintingContext.PaintInline.
EnumerationClipboardMode Defines the mode in which the C1RichTextBox uses the Clipboard.
EnumerationNavigationMode Defines the mode in which C1RichTextBox fires C1RichTextBox.RequestNavigate events.
EnumerationReturnMode Defines the way in which C1RichTextBox handles the return key.
EnumerationTextChangedAction Indicates an action performed on a document.
EnumerationTextViewMode Defines the mode in which C1RichTextBox presents its content.
See Also


C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.5 Assembly



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