C1Document Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see C1Document members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBackgroundGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to fill the background of the content area. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyBlocksGets the collection of C1Block elements in the C1Document.  
Public PropertyBorderBrushGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to fill the border of a text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyBorderThicknessGets or sets the border thickness of a text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyChildrenGet all children of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyContentEndGets the C1TextPointer at the end of this text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyContentRangeGets the C1TextRange of this element's content. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyContentStartGets the C1TextPointer at the start of this text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyCornerRadiusGets or sets the corner radius for the border of a text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyCursorGets or sets the C1TextElement.Cursor displayed when the mouse is over this element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyEndTagReturns the C1TextElement.EndTag of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyFontFamilyGets or sets the preferred font family for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyFontSizeGets or sets the font size for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyFontStyleGets or sets the font style for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyFontWeightGets or sets the font weight for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyForegroundGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush to apply to the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyFragmentRangeGets or sets the a fragment C1TextRange inside this C1Document.  
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyIdGets or sets an identifier for this text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyIndexGet the index of this C1TextElement in its parent C1TextElement.Children collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyIsCollapsedReturns whether this element is collapsed, that is, if its C1TextElement.Visibility, or that of one of its parents, is C1Visibility.Collapsed. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyIsLeafReturns whether this element is a leaf in the document tree. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyIsRootReturns whether this element is the root of its tree. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyLineHeightGets or sets a number that is multiplied by the computed height of a line to obtain the final height. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyMarginGets or sets the margin of a text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyMaxHeightGets or sets the max-height of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyMaxWidthGets or sets the max-width of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyMinHeightGets or sets the min-height of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyMinWidthGets or sets the min-width of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name for this text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyNextSiblingGets the next sibling of this element, or null if this is the last child. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyPaddingGets or sets the padding of a text element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyParentGets the parent of this element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyPreviousSiblingGets the previous sibling of this element, or null if this is the first child. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyRootReturns the root element of this element's tree. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyStartTagReturns the C1TextElement.StartTag of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyStyleReturns the style values for this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyTextDecorationsGets or sets a collection of text decorations to apply to the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyTextEffectGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect applied to the text of this element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyToolTipGets or sets the System.Windows.Controls.ToolTip displayed when the mouse is over this element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyVerticalAlignmentGets or sets a value indicating how elements are aligned in a line. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyVisibilityGets or sets the visibility of this element. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
See Also


C1Document Class
C1.Silverlight.RichTextBox.Documents Namespace



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