Data for Silverlight
Silverlight Localization

Localization for Silverlight applications is a bit different, as it has two extra steps.

First, add the desired localized resource files (.resx) to your project’s Resources directory (Build Action: Embedded Resource). We provide the localized resource files for each ComponentOne assembly located at C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\Studio for Silverlight\Help\

Second, unload your project and edit the <SupportedCultures> node in the project .csproj file. See here for more information.


The final step is the same in WPF; change the application thread's culture.

Copy Code
// set culture to Spanish ("es")
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("es");

Check out a live demo showing every provided language in Studio for Silverlight.

This information just focuses on localizing C1 controls. You will likely have other UI strings that need to be localized too. See here for more information about Silverlight localization from Microsoft.

See Also