Data for Silverlight

The following XAML files can be used to customize items in the C1.Silverlight.Office2007 assembly:


Element Folder Description
Office2007Base.xaml C1.Silverlight.Theming.Office2007 Specifies the standard resources and styling elements.
Office2007Black.xaml C1.Silverlight.Theming.Office2007 Specifies the standard resources and styling elements.
Office2007Blue.xaml C1.Silverlight.Theming.Office2007 Specifies the standard resources and styling elements.
Office2007Silver.xaml C1.Silverlight.Theming.Office2007 Specifies the standard resources and styling elements.
Theme.xaml C1.Silverlight.Theming.Office2007 Specifies the standard resources and styling elements.


See Also