Data for Silverlight

The following XAML files can be used to customize items in the C1.Silverlight.Chart assembly:


Element Folder Description
generic.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\themes Specifies the templates for different styles and the initial style of the chart.
DuskBlue.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the DuskBlue theme.
DuskGreen.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the DuskGreen theme.
MediaPlayer.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the MediaPlayer theme.
Office2003Blue.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2003Blue theme.
Office2003Classic.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2003Classic theme.
Office2003Olive.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2003Olive theme.
Office2003Royale.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2003Royale theme.
Office2003Silver.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2003Silver theme.
Office2007Black.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2007Black theme.
Office2007Blue.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2007Blue theme.
Office2007Silver.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Office2007Silver theme.
Vista.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\ThemesSL Specifies the attributes for the Vista theme.
generic.xaml C1.Silverlight.Chart\Phone\themes Specifies the templates for the Metro theme for the controls.


See Also