ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
RadialMenu Tutorial Step 3 of 3: Adding the Remaining RadialMenuItems
RadialMenu Overview > RadialMenu Tutorial > RadialMenu Tutorial Step 3 of 3: Adding the Remaining RadialMenuItems

In this step, you will add submenu items to the existing Products menu.

  1. In the C1RadialMenu properties window click on the ellipsis button next to the Items property. The RadialMenuBaseItem Collection Editor appears.
  2. Select radialMenuItem3 from the Members list and set its Image property to bullet_ball_glass_red, Text property to ON, Checked property to True, Name property to rmiCheck, and UserData property to Check.
  3. Select radialMenuItem4 from the Members list and set its Image property to Help, Text property to Help, ToolTip property to Get help, and Name property to rmiHelp.
  4. Click on ellipsis button next to the Items property. The RadialMenuBaseItem Collection Editor appears.
  5. Click on the Add dropdown button and select RadialMenuItem. Repeat this so there are 4 RadialMenuItems.
  6. Select radialMenuItem2 from the Members list and set its Text property to Documents and Name property to rmiDocs.
  7. Select radialMenuItem3 from the Members list and set its Text property to Samples and Name to rmiSamples.
  8. Select radialMenuItem4 from the Members list and set its Text property to Demo and its Name property to rmiDemos.
  9. Select radialMenuItem5 from the Members list and set its Text property to Demos and its Name property to rmiDemos.
  10. Select radialMenuItem6 from the Members list and set its Text property to Videos and Name property to rmiVideos.
  11. Click OK to save and close the RadialMenuItemBase Collection Editor.
  12. In the RadialMenuItemBase Collection Editor select radialMenuItem5 from the Members list and set its Image property to shoppingcart_full1, Text property to Shop, ToolTip property Shop C1, Enabled property to False, and Name property to rmiStore.
  13. Select radialMenuItem6 from the Members list and set its Image property to bullet_ball_glass_grey, Text property to Disabled, ToolTip property to Disabled Item, and Enabled property to False.
  14. Click OK to save and close the RadialMenuItemBase Collection Editor.
  15. Run your project and observe the following:

The disabled menus appear with a grey border. The checked menu, ON, appears with a thin blue border around the inner edge of grey border. Clicking the Help button opens a new Radial menu with submenu items for the Help menu.


See Also