The C1Calendar type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddCssClass (Inherited from Control.)
Public method AssignPropertiesState
Assigns the state of the properties.
Public method BeginUpdate (Inherited from Component.)
Public method Close
Close the popped up Calendar.
Public method CreateInstance
Creates the instance of the class. Type of the class can be determined by value of the DOM element's className.
Public method Dispose (Inherited from Component.)
Public method EndUpdate (Inherited from Component.)
Public method GetCustomDay
Gets the custom day object corresponding to the specified date.
Public method GetDisplayDate
Public method GetParentTable
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Initialize
Initialize the control.
(Overrides ComponentInitialize()()()().)
Public method IsPopupShowing
Determines whether the Calendar is in popup mode.
Protected method OnAfterClose
Fires the AfterClose event.
Protected method OnAfterPopup
Fires the AfterPopup event.
Protected method OnBeforeClose
Fires the BeforeClose event.
Protected method OnBeforePopup
Fires the BeforePopup event.
Protected method OnBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Public method OnDayClicked
Public method OnDayMouseDown
Public method OnDayMouseOut
Public method OnDayMouseOver
Public method OnDayMouseUp
Public method OnGroupTitleClicked
Public method OnMonthSelectorClicked
Public method OnMonthSelectorMouseOut
Public method OnMonthSelectorMouseOver
Public method OnMYGridClicked
Public method OnMYGridMouseOut
Public method OnMYGridMouseOver
Public method OnNavButtonClicked
Public method OnPreviewMouseOut
Public method OnPreviewMouseOver
Protected method OnSelChanged
Protected method OnSelectedDatesChanged
Fires the SelectedDatesChanged event.
Public method OnWeekDayClicked
Public method OnWeekDayMouseDown
Public method OnWeekDayMouseOut
Public method OnWeekDayMouseOver
Public method OnWeekDayMouseUp
Public method OnWeekNumberClicked
Public method OnWeekNumberMouseOut
Public method OnWeekNumberMouseOver
Public method PopupAt
Pops up the Calendar at specified position.
Public method PopupBeside
Pops up the Calendar beside another control.
Protected method RaiseBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RaisePropertyChanged (Inherited from Component.)
Public method Refresh
Refresh the calendar control.
Public method RemoveCssClass (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SelectDate
Select a date in the calendar.
Public method SwapToDate
Public method ToggleCssClass (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ToLocaleString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnSelectAll
Unselect all.
Protected method Updated (Inherited from Component.)

See Also