BarChart for ASP.NET WebForms
Step 2 of 4: Adding a SeriesList to the Bar Chart
Quick Start > Step 2 of 4: Adding a SeriesList to the Bar Chart

In this step, you will date time values to the X BarChartSeries and double values to the Y BarChartSeries. You will also modify the series symbols and label.

  1. Click the BarChart smart tag and select SeriesList from the C1BarChart Tasks menu.
    The BarChartSeries Collection Editor appears.
  2. In the BarChartSeries Collection Editor, click the Add buton to add a new BarChartSeries to the BarChart.
  3. Select Data -> X from the properties pane in the BarChartSeries Collection Editor and click the ellipsis button next to the Values property to open the ChartXData Collection Editor.
  4. Click Add seven times to add seven members and enter the following values for each string: "Hand Mixer, "Stand Mixer", "Electronic Can Opener", "Toaster", "Blender", "Food Processor" and "Microwave".
  5. Click OK to save and close the String Collection Editor.
  6. Select Data -> Y from the properties pane in the BarChartSeries Collection Editor and enter the following data next to the DoubleValues property: 50, 300, 40, 60, 130, 250, 500.
  7. Set LegendEntry to False and click OK to save and close the BarChartSeries Collection Editor.
See Also