Class | Description | |
C1CacheCollectionView<T> | Collection that takes another source and cache the items. | |
C1CollectionView<T> | Implements an in-memory collection view which takes a data source and applies the sort and filter operations. | |
C1CollectionViewBase<T> | Base class for collection views. | |
C1CollectionViewEx | Extension methods for C1CollectionView<T>. | |
C1CursorCollectionView<T> | Base class for cursor-like collection views. | |
C1CursorCollectionView<T,K> | Base class for cursor-like collection views. | |
C1DelegateList<T> | Exposes an IList created dynamically by specifying a count and a selector which provide the items | |
C1EditableCollectionView<T> | Collection which allows performing changes locally until they are committed to the inner source. | |
C1FilterCollectionView<T> | Collection which supports filtering. | |
C1GroupCollectionView<S> | Collection which supports grouping | |
C1HierarchicalCollectionView<T> | Base class of collections that are composed by others InternalCollections. | |
C1PagedCollectionView<T> | Collection that wraps another collection to be shown in pages of a maximum number of items. | |
C1SelectCollectionView<S,T> | Collection which allows transforming the items through a select clause. | |
C1SelectManyCollectionView<S,T> | Collection which allows transforming the items through a select many clause. | |
C1SequenceCollectionView<T> | Collection that is composed of a sequence of other Collections. | |
C1SortCollectionView<T> | Collection which supports sorting. | |
C1VirtualCollectionView<T> | Base class for data-virtualized collection views. | |
C1WrapCollectionView<T> | Collection view which takes another collection as source. | |
C1WrapCollectionView<S,T> | Collection view which takes another collection as source. | |
CacheCollectionViewItemEventArgs<T> | Contains information about an item of the cache. | |
CancelEventArgs | Event data for cancellable events. | |
FilterBinaryExpression | Combines two filter expressions using a logical operator. | |
FilterExpression | Abstract filter expression. Use FilterUnaryExpression to create a concrete filter and FilterBinaryExpression to apply logical operations between filter expressions. | |
FilterNotExpression | Filter expresssion which negates another expression. | |
FilterOperationExpression | Describes a concrete filter expression. | |
FilterPredicateExpression | Filter expresssion which takes a predicate as the filtering function. | |
FilterTextExpression | Describes a text filter expression with match case and match whole word properties. | |
FilterUnaryExpression | Describes a concrete filter expression. | |
FilterUnaryExpression<T> | Describes a concrete filter expression. | |
GroupDescription | Describes a group operation. | |
ICollectionViewEx | Extension methods for ICollectionView<T>. | |
IReadOnlyListEx | Extensions for IReadOnlyList. | |
NotifyCollectionChangedAsyncEventArgs | Provides event data for collection events as well as support for asynchronously waiting for the event handlers. | |
NotifyCollectionChangedDeferralsAwaiter | Event awaiter which provides the event arguments. | |
SortDescription | Describes a sort operation. |