RichTextBox for WinRT
Step 1 of 5: Creating the Application

In this step, you'll create a new Windows Store application, add a C1RichTextBox control, and add the markup to create the top and bottom app bars.

  1. Select File | New | Project to open the New Project dialog box.
  1. Select Windows Store under C# in the right-hand pane.
  1.  In the left-hand pane, select Blank App (XAML).
  1. Enter a name for your application and click OK. A new, blank Windows Store application will open.
  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the References file and select Add Reference from the list. Browse to locate the following assembly references:
  1. Double-click the MainPage.xaml file to open it.
  1. Add the following namespace declarations to the <Page> tag at the top of the page:
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Your <Page> tag should resemble the following:

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<Page xmlns:RichTextBox="using:C1.Xaml.RichTextBox"    xmlns=""
  1. Directly above the <Grid> </Grid> tags on your page, add <Page.Resources>:
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        <ResourceDictionary Source="Common/StandardStyles.xaml"/>

You'll add the StandardStyles.xaml file in Step 2.

  1. Add the following markup between the <Grid> </Grid> tags to add some row definitions:
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   <RowDefinition Height="140"/>
   <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
  1. Place your cursor below the closing </Grid.RowDefinition> tag. Open the Visual Studio ToolBox and locate the C1RichTextBox control. Double-click the control to add it to your page.
  1. Edit the <RichTextBox:C1RichTextBox/>  tag to that is resembles the following. You'll add a name for your control and two events:

<RichTextBox:C1RichTextBox x:Name="rtb" Grid.Row="1"  Margin="116,0,100,100" RequestNavigate="rtb_RequestNavigate" PointerPressed="rtb_PointerPressed" />

  1. Locate the closing </Grid> tag on your page and place your cursor beneath it. Add the following markup to create the framework for the top and bottom AppBars:
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   <AppBar x:Name="topAppBar" IsSticky="True" Padding="10,0,10,0">
       <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
  <AppBar x:Name="bottomAppBar" IsSticky="True" Padding="10,0,10,0">
      <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
      <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
  1. Place your cursor between the TopAppBar's <StackPanel> </StackPanel> tags. Add the following markup to add three C1RichTextBox Tools:
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<RichTextBox:C1LeftAlignTool x:Name="btnLeftAlign" Style="{StaticResource AlignLeftAppBarButtonStyle}" />
<RichTextBox:C1CenterAlignTool x:Name="btnCenterAlign" Style="{StaticResource AlignCenterAppBarButtonStyle}" />
<RichTextBox:C1RightAlignTool x:Name="btnRightAlign" Style="{StaticResource AlignRightAppBarButtonStyle}" />
  1. Next, locate the first set of <StackPanel> </StackPanel> tags in the BottomAppBar. Add the following markup to add three general Button controls:
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<Button x:Name="btnCopy" Style="{StaticResource CopyAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="btnCopy_Click"/>
<Button x:Name="btnPaste" Style="{StaticResource PasteAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="btnPaste_Click"/>
<Button x:Name="btnCut" Style="{StaticResource CutAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="btnCut_Click"/>
  1. Locate the second set of <StackPanel> </StackPanel> tags. Add the following markup to add five C1RichTextBox Tools and one general Button control:
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<RichTextBox:C1IncreaseFontSizeTool x:Name="btnIncreaseFontSize" Style="{StaticResource FontIncreaseAppBarButtonStyle}"/>
<RichTextBox:C1DecreaseFontSizeTool x:Name="btnDecreaseFontSize" Style="{StaticResource FontDecreaseAppBarButtonStyle}"/>
<RichTextBox:C1BoldTool x:Name="btnBold" Style="{StaticResource BoldAppBarButtonStyle}" />
<RichTextBox:C1ItalicTool x:Name="btnItalic" Style="{StaticResource ItalicAppBarButtonStyle}" />
<RichTextBox:C1UnderlineTool x:Name="btnUnderline" Style="{StaticResource UnderlineAppBarButtonStyle}" />
<Button x:Name="btnMore" Style="{StaticResource MoreAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="btnMore_Click"/>

In this step, you created a new Windows Store application, added the C1RichTextBox control, added the markup for the two App Bars, and added both C1 Tools and general controls to the App Bar markup. In the next step, you'll add your resource files and some general application code.



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