RichTextBox for WinRT
C1.Xaml.RichTextBox Namespace (C1.Xaml.RichTextBox.AppBar)
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassC1ApplicationBarToggleButton<T> Base class for ApplicationBar toggle buttons used in for the C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1BoldTool ApplicationBar toggle button that makes text bold in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1ButtonTool Abstract base class for the C1RichTextBox ApplicationBar buttons.
ClassC1CenterAlignTool ApplicationBar button that aligns text to the center in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1DecreaseFontSizeTool ApplicationBar button that decreases the font size in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1IncreaseFontSizeTool ApplicationBar button that increases the font size in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1ItalicTool ApplicationBar toggle button that makes text italic in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1JustifyTool ApplicationBar button that justifies text in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1LeftAlignTool ApplicationBar button that aligns text to the left in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1RedoTool ApplicationBar button that redoes actions in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1RichTextTool Helper class for tools in C1RichTextBoxToolbar.
ClassC1RightAlignTool ApplicationBar button that aligns text to the right in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1StrikethroughTool ApplicationBar toggle button that strikes though text in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1UnderlineTool ApplicationBar toggle button that underlines text in a C1RichTextBox.
ClassC1UndoTool ApplicationBar button that undoes actions in a C1RichTextBox.
InterfaceIUpdateableTool Tools that need to be updated when the associated C1RichTextBox changes implement this interface.
See Also


C1.Xaml.RichTextBox.AppBar Assembly



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