LightSwitch Edition Release History
2013 v2

Studio for LightSwitch 2013 v2 is released with several new features and bug fixes. This version of Studio for LightSwitch HTML is powered by Wijmo Professional version 3.20131.7

This topic has a complete list of the enhancements and fixes included in 2013 v2 release. If you have a licensed ComponentOne Studio for LightSwitch installed in your system, you can download and install this upgrade for free. Please contact sales in case you have any query or you want to know more about the available options.

ComponentOne Studio for LightSwitch includes the following products:

New in 2013 v2 Release


The NuGet package Wijmo for LightSwitch HTML Client depends on jQuery Mobile 1.3.2 version. This is added to remove the errors that occurred in the earlier versions.

Platform/Environment Changes:

ComponentOne Studio for LightSwitch has a major version number of 2.0, and the extensions in ComponentOne Studio for LightSwitch Desktop are built with Visual Studio 2012 using Silverlight 5 assemblies to fix the following issues:

ComponentOne Studio for LightSwitch HTML, designed to target jQuery Mobile-based HTML client, offers support for the following versions of LightSwitch:

ComponentOne Studio for LightSwitch Desktop, designed to target the Silverlight-based desktop client, offers support for the following LightSwitch versions:

Added Drop Down Widget

The Drop Down widget implements HTML <select> tag that displays a combo box to select one item from the collection of items.

LightSwitch in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Preview

Once you have installed the NuGet client package in the HTML Client project, you need to perform an additional step:

Open the file, default.htm from the HTML Client project, and change all the occurrences of 1.0.1 to 2.0.0 within the filename strings.



Bug Fixes:

Events Calendar

Bug Fixes:


Bug Fixes:



Bug Fixes:


Bug Fixes:



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