ComponentOne DashboardLayout for WinForms
Creating Dashboard with Split Layout
Walkthroughs > Creating Dashboard with Split Layout

This topic guides you through the steps to create a lead conversion dashboard using split layout. It displays the lead conversion ratio, sales in different countries in a pie chart, and sales details of companies in a FlexgGid.

  1. Create a new Windows Forms App.
  2. In the Windows Forms Designer, set the height of the form to 730 and width to 550.
  3. Drag and drop a DashboardLayout control from the Toolbox onto your form.
    Observe: By default, a layout of the type Split is attached to it.
  4. Select the DashboardLayout control. In the Properties window, set it's Dock property to Fill.
  5. Click inside the DashboardLayout control. The SplitContentPanel (layout control attached to the DashboardLayout by default) is selected.
    Observe: By default, SplitContentPanel contains two child containers named C1SplitterPanel1 and C1SplitterPanel2 of type C1SplitterPanel and the C1SplitterPanel2 is aligned horizontally below the C1SplitterPanel1.
  6. Click on the SplitContentPanel’s smart tag to open its Tasks Menu. Select Add Panel from the DashboardSplitContainer Tasks menu.
    A third child container named C1SplitterPanel3 is added to the DashboardLayout contro land it aligns itself horizontally below the C1SplitterPanel2.
  7. Select C1SplitterPanel1 and set its Caption on c1DashboardLayout1 property to Sales Details.
  8. Select C1SplitterPanel2 and set the following properties.
    Property Name Value
    Dock Fill
    Caption on c1DashboardLayout1 Lead Conversion Ratio

  9. Select C1SplitterPanel3 and set the following properties.
    Property Name Value
    Caption on c1DashboardLayout1 Country Sales

  10. Drag and drop the C1FlexGrid control on C1SplitterPanel1 and set the following properties.
    Property Name Value
    Location 130,45
    Size 415,195

  11. Add a class named SalesDetails.cs to the project and copy the following code to it to add data for FlexGrid.
    Copy Code
    public class SalesDetails
        public SalesDetails(string companyName, double salesValue, double weighted,string salesStage)
            CompanyName = companyName;
            SalesValue = salesValue;
            Weighted = weighted;
            SalesStage = salesStage;
        public SalesDetails() { }
        public string CompanyName { get; set; }
        public double SalesValue { get; set; }
        public double Weighted { get; set; }
        public string SalesStage { get; set; }
        public List<SalesDetails> GetData()
            string[] companyNames = { "Agilent Technologies", "Belo Co.", "Calpine Co.", "Crompton Corp.", "Exelon Inc.", "Delphi Corp.", "Ferro Co.","Gateway Inc.","Harris Corp."};
            string[] salesStages={"Qualified", "Lead", "Qualified", "Proposal", "Negotiation", "Won", "Lost","Lead","Proposal"};
            List<SalesDetails> salesDetailsList = new List<SalesDetails>();
            Random random = new Random();
            for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
                salesDetailsList.Add(new SalesDetails(companyNames[i],random.Next(0,10000), random.Next(1,10000),salesStages[i]));
            return salesDetailsList;
  12. Add the following code to Form1_Load event to populate the grid with data.
    Copy Code
    SalesDetails salesDetails = new SalesDetails();
    List<SalesDetails> salesDetailsList = salesDetails.GetData();
    c1FlexGrid1.DataSource = salesDetailsList;
  13. Drag and drop a Label control on C1SplitterPanel2 and set the following properties:
    Property Name Value
    Location 90,85
    Text 13:1
    Font > Size 35

    Now, drag and drop another Label control on C1SplitterPanel2 and set the following properties:

    Property Name Value
    Location 100,140
    Text Unqualified Leads turned into customers
    Font > Size 10
  14. Add a FlexPie to C1SplitterPanel3 and set the following properties:
    Property Name Value
    Dock Fill
    BindingName CountryName
    Binding OpportunityCount

  15. Add a class named CountrySales.cs to the project and copy the following code to it to add data for FlexPie.
    Copy Code
    public class CountrySales
        public CountrySales(string countryName, int opportunityCount)
            CountryName = countryName;
            OpportunityCount = opportunityCount;
        public CountrySales() { }
        public string CountryName { get; set; }
        public int OpportunityCount { get; set; }
        public List<CountrySales> GetData()
            string[] countryNames = {"Germany", "India", "Japan", "UK" , "US" };
            List<CountrySales> countrySalesList = new List<CountrySales>();
            Random random = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                countrySalesList.Add(new CountrySales(countryNames[i],random.Next(0,30)));
            return countrySalesList;
  16. Add the following code to Form1’s Load event to populate the pie with data.
    Copy Code
    CountrySales countrySales = new CountrySales();
    List<CountrySales> countrySalesList = countrySales.GetData();
    flexPie1.DataSource = countrySalesList;

    The sales conversion dashboard gets created.