Chart for WinRT
Hi-Lo-Open-Close Chart

A Hi-Lo-Open-Close chart marks the highest value of a stock, the lowest value of a stock, the opening value of a stock, and the closing value of a stock. This gives an at-a-glance overview of a stock's performance.

To create a Hi-Lo-Open-Close chart, you need to set C1Chart.ChartType property to Hi-Lo-Open-Close and specify the data values for the XYDataSeries.XValuesHighLowSeries.HighValuesHighLowSeries.LowValuesHighLowOpenCloseSeries.OpenValues, and HighLowOpenCloseSeries.CloseValues, as in the following XAML markup: 

Copy Code
<Chart:C1Chart x:Name="chart0" Height="350" Width="450" ChartType="HighLowOpenClose" Palette="Solstice" Foreground="Black">           
               <Chart:HighLowOpenCloseSeries XValues="1 2 3 4 5" 
                                             HighValues="103 105 107 102 99" 
                                             LowValues="100 99 101 98 97" 
                                             OpenValues="100 100 105 100 99" 
                                             CloseValues="102 103 103 99 98" />

 The markup above will result in a chart like the following image:




See Also

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