Chart for WinRT
Enable Translate Sliding Behavior

The most useful interactive behavior in C1Chart is translation by a sliding gesture. This allows users to translate (or scroll) the chart along any axis. For example, to enable translation along the x-axis you must set the initial scale and assign the translate GestureSlideAction to the desired gesture, which in this case would be GestureSlide. For example:

Copy Code
// initialize axis scale and scrollbar
c1Chart1.View.AxisX.Scale = 0.5;
c1Chart1.View.AxisX.ScrollBar = new AxisScrollBar();
// remove any action update delay
c1Chart1.ActionUpdateDelay = 0;
// set manipulation mode to translate X axis with inertia
c1Chart1.ManipulationMode = ManipulationModes.TranslateX | ManipulationModes.TranslateInertia;
// assign translate action to slide gesture
c1Chart1.GestureSlide = GestureSlideAction.Translate;



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