Chart for WinRT
PieRenderer Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PieRenderer.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPieRenderer ConstructorCreates an instance of pie renderer.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyColorSchemeGets or sets how the colors are assigned to the plot elements. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BaseRenderer)
Public PropertyConnectionGets or sets the data template that is used for visualization of all data points of the series. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BaseRenderer)
Public PropertyInnerRadiusGets or sets the inner radius of pie. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BasePieRenderer)
Public PropertyInvertedGets or sets whether the direction of plotting is inverted. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BaseRenderer)
Public PropertyOffsetGets or sets the offset of slices. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BasePieRenderer)
Public PropertyRadiusGets or sets the radius of pie. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BasePieRenderer)
Public PropertySizeXGets or sets the size of data element along x-axis. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BaseRenderer)
Public PropertySizeYGets or sets the size of data element along y-axis. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BaseRenderer)
Public PropertyStackedGets or sets the stacked options of the plot. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BaseRenderer)
Public PropertySymbolGets or sets the data template that is used for data point visualization. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.Chart.BaseRenderer)
See Also


PieRenderer Class
C1.Xaml.Chart Namespace



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