Chart for WinRT
PieInfo Structure Members
Fields  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by PieInfo.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPieInfo ConstructorCreates a new PieInfo structure with the specified parameters.  
Public Fields
Public FieldAngleGets or sets the start angle of the pie.  
Public FieldCenterGets or sets the center of the pie.  
Public FieldHeightGets or sets the height of the pie.  
Public FieldInnerRadiusGets or sets the inner radius of the pie.  
Public FieldOffsetGets or sets the radial offset of pie slice from the center.  
Public FieldRadiusXGets or sets the x-radius of the pie.  
Public FieldRadiusYGets or sets the y-radius of the pie.  
Public FieldSweepGets or sets the sweep of the pie.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetHashCode  
Public Operators
public Operator Equality  
public Operator Inequality  
See Also


PieInfo Structure
C1.Xaml.Chart Namespace



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