Chart for WinRT
ChartType Enumeration

Specifies the chart type.
Public Enum ChartType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum ChartType : System.Enum 
AreaDefault area chart.
AreaSmoothedSmoothed area chart.
AreaStackedStacked area chart.
AreaStacked100pc100% stacked area chart.
BarDefault bar chart.
BarStackedStacked bar chart.
BarStacked100pc100% stacked bar chart.
BubbleBubble chart. To specify control size of symbols use BubbleSeries and set its SizeValues or SizeValuesource property.
CandleCandle financial chart. Use HighLowOpenCloseSeries to specify data for the chart.
ColumnDefault column chart.
ColumnStackedStacked column chart.
ColumnStacked100pc100% stacked column chart.
GanttGantt chart. Use HighLowSeries to specify data for the chart.
HighLowOpenCloseHigh-low-open-close financial chart. Use HighLowOpenCloseSeries to specify data for the chart.
LineDefault line chart.
LineSmoothedSmoothed line chart.
LineStackedStacked line chart.
LineStacked100pc100% stacked line chart.
LineSymbolsLine chart with symbols.
LineSymbolsSmoothedSmoothed line chart with symbols.
LineSymbolsStackedStacked line chart with symbols.
LineSymbolsStacked100pc100% stacked line chart with symbols.
PieDefault pie chart.
PieDoughnutDoughnut pie chart.
PieExplodedExploded pie chart.
PieExplodedDoughnutExploded doughnut pie chart.
PieStackedStacked pie chart.
PolarLinesPolar line chart.
PolarLinesSymbolsPolar line chart with symbols.
PolarSymbolsPolar symbol chart.
PolygonPolygon chart.
PolygonFilledFilled polygon chart.
RadarDefault radar chart.
RadarFilledFilled(area) radar chart.
RadarSymbolsRadar chart with symbols.
StepStep chart.
StepAreaStep area chart.
StepAreaStackedStep area stacked chart.
StepSymbolsStep chart with symbols.
XYPlotScatter(point) plot in Cartesian coordinates.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


C1.Xaml.Chart Namespace



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