Chart for WinRT
Bar and Column Charts

Bar and Column Charts are very similar, and use similar forms of data to populate the chart. The only difference between them is in the setup of the axes. In a Bar chart, the data runs along the horizontal, or X axis, while in a Column chart, the chart data runs along the vertical, or Y axis.

Chart for WinRT supports the following types of Bar and Column charts:

Bar Chart or Column Chart

The following image represents the C1Chart control when you set the C1Chart.ChartType property to Bar or to Column



BarStacked or ColumnStacked

The following image represents the C1Chart control when you set the C1Chart.ChartType property to BarStacked or to ColumnStacked:



BarStacked100pc or ColumnStacked100pc

The following image represents the C1Chart control when you set the C1Chart.ChartType property to BarStacked100pc or to ColumnStacked100pc



Use the following XAML markup to create a Bar or Column chart. Note that when creating a Column chart, the X and Y axis values should be reversed:

XAML Markup
Copy Code
<Chart:C1Chart x:Name="chart0" Height="350" Width="450" ChartType="Bar" Palette="Solstice" Foreground="Black" >
            <!-- Populate the chart with three series -->
                <Chart:ChartData >
                        <Chart:DataSeries Label="Revenue" Values="1200, 1205, 400, 1410" ></Chart:DataSeries>                       
                        <Chart:DataSeries Label="Profit" Values="790, 990, 175, 1205" ></Chart:DataSeries>
                        <Chart:DataSeries Label="Expense" Values="400, 300, 300, 210" ></Chart:DataSeries>
            <!-- Configure axes -->
                <Chart:ChartView >
                        <Chart:Axis Title="Amount($1000)" Min="0" Max="1450" MajorUnit="200"  />
                        <Chart:Axis Title="Region" Height="35" />
            <Chart:C1ChartLegend Visibility="Visible" Position="Right" />


See Also

TaskBased Help



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