ComponentOne Imaging for Silverlight Library
Setting up the Toolbar
Bitmap > Working with Bitmap for Silverlight > Setting up the Toolbar

Our application will consist of a C1Toolbar across the top, and a checkered background filling the remaining region of the application. We are using the C1Toolbar with the C1ToolbarStrip to create the toolbar, with Ribbon-like groups. Silverlight Edition includes a convenient checkered panel control, C1CheckeredBorder, which is included in the C1.Silverlight.Extended library. This helps with the design of the image editor. Our toolbar consists of 3 C1ToolbarGroups: File, Edit and Image.

Copy Code
<c1tb:C1Toolbar Name="c1Toolbar1" Grid.Row="0">
      <c1tb:C1ToolbarGroup Header="File">
          <c1tb:C1ToolbarStrip >
              <c1tb:C1ToolbarButton Name="btnSave" Click="btnSave_Click">
                  <Image Source="Resources/save.png" Margin="2" ToolTipService.ToolTip="Save"/>
              <c1tb:C1ToolbarButton Name="btnOpen" Click="btnOpen_Click">
                  <Image Source="Resources/Open.png" Margin="2" ToolTipService.ToolTip="Open"/>
              <c1tb:C1ToolbarButton Name="btnPrint" Click="btnPrint_Click">
                  <Image Source="Resources/Print.png" Margin="2" ToolTipService.ToolTip="Print"/>