ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET: ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX Overview > What's New in Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX

What's New in Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX

The following new features were added to ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX in the 2011 v2 release:

      Time Ruler Format

Specify the format of the time ruler for the Day or HorizontalWeek view with the new TimeRulerFormat property.

      Time Interval

Specify the time interval for displaying the time slots in the DayView mode with the new TimeInterval property. Built-in intervals range from five minutes to one hour.

      Highlighted Date

Now when you set an appointment in a C1Schedule control the date in a linked C1Calendar control will be highlighted.

 Tip: A version history containing a list of new features, improvements, fixes, and changes for each product is available on HelpCentral at

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