What's New in Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX
The following new features were added to ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX in the 2011 v2 release:
• Time Ruler Format
Specify the format of the time ruler for the Day or HorizontalWeek view with the new TimeRulerFormat property.
• Time Interval
Specify the time interval for displaying the time slots in the DayView mode with the new TimeInterval property. Built-in intervals range from five minutes to one hour.
• Highlighted Date
Now when you set an appointment in a C1Schedule control the date in a linked C1Calendar control will be highlighted.
Tip: A version history containing a list of new features, improvements, fixes, and changes for each product is available on HelpCentral at http://helpcentral.componentone.com/VersionHistory.aspx.