ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET: ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX Overview > Revision History > What's New in 2010 v2

What's New in 2010 v2

New features and class members supporting dialog box customization were added to ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX in the 2010 v2 release.

      New Members

The C1ScheduleDialogEventArgs class was extended with the Appointment, DialogType, and Window properties. The DialogType enumeration was added to indicate the dialog box type.

      New Sample

The C1Schedule OnClientBeforeDialogOpen sample was added to the Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX installation in the 2010 v2 release. This sample demonstrates how to replace the built-in EditAppointment dialog box with a custom dialog box using the OnClientBeforeDialogOpen event.

New Members

The following new class was added to ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX in the 2010 v2 release:





Represents the dialog box type. Options include: AddNewAppointment = 1, EditAppointment = 2, Contacts = 3, Categories = 4, EditResources = 5, EditCategories = 6, EditContacts = 7, Reminder = 8, Resources = 9, Recurrence = 10.


The following new properties were added to ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX in the 2010 v2 release:







Gets the appointment object, instance of the C1Appointment client class.


Gets the type of the dialog box.


Gets the dialog window.

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