The C1BindingSource type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Add
Adds an existing item to the internal list.
Public method AddNew
Adds a new item to the underlying list.
Public method BeginEdit
Starts an edit operation on the specified object.
Public method Clear
Removes all elements from the list.
Public method Contains
Determines whether an object is an item in the list.
Public method CopyTo
Copies the contents of the List to the specified array, starting at the specified index value.
Public method EndEdit
Applies pending changes to the underlying data source.
Public method Find(PropertyDescriptor, Object)
Searches for the index of the item that has the given property descriptor.
Public method Find(String, Object)
Returns the index of the item in the list with the specified property name and value.
Public method FinishAddNew
Commits a pending new item to the collection.
Public method GetEnumerator
Retrieves an enumerator for the List.
Public method GetItemProperties
Retrieves an array of PropertyDescriptor objects representing the bindable properties of the data source list type.
Public method GetListName
Gets the name of the list supplying data for the binding.
Public method IndexOf
Searches for the specified object and returns the index of the first occurrence within the entire list.
Public method Insert
Inserts an item into the list at the specified index.
Public method Remove
Removes the specified item from the list.
Public method RemoveAt
Removes the item at the specified index in the list.
Public method ResetBindings
Causes a control bound to the C1BindingSource to reread all the items in the list and refresh their displayed values.
Public method ResetItem
Causes a control bound to the C1BindingSource to re-read the item at the specified index, and refresh its displayed value.

See Also