Visual element that allows to pick up a date field which pops up a dialog containing a date editor.

Namespace:  C1.Phone
Assembly:  C1.Phone (in C1.Phone.dll)
XMLNS for XAML: Not mapped to an xmlns.


[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "DateEditor", Type = typeof(C1DateSelector))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "DateLabel", Type = typeof(TextBlock))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "Button", Type = typeof(Button))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "Separator", Type = typeof(FrameworkElement))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "Popup", Type = typeof(C1Popup))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "TimeLabel", Type = typeof(TextBlock))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "TimeEditor", Type = typeof(C1TimeSelector))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "ButtonOK", Type = typeof(Button))]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "ButtonCancel", Type = typeof(Button))]
public class C1DateTimePicker : Control, 
Visual Basic
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "DateEditor", Type := GetType(C1DateSelector))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "DateLabel", Type := GetType(TextBlock))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "Button", Type := GetType(Button))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "Separator", Type := GetType(FrameworkElement))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "Popup", Type := GetType(C1Popup))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "TimeLabel", Type := GetType(TextBlock))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "TimeEditor", Type := GetType(C1TimeSelector))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "ButtonOK", Type := GetType(Button))> _
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "ButtonCancel", Type := GetType(Button))> _
Public Class C1DateTimePicker _
	Inherits Control _
	Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
XAML Object Element Usage
<C1DateTimePicker .../>

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also