Occurs when consistent content that conforms to the Mask changes in the text box.

Namespace:  C1.Phone
Assembly:  C1.Phone (in C1.Phone.dll)
XMLNS for XAML: Not mapped to an xmlns.


public event MaskedTextChangedEventHandler MaskedTextChanged
Visual Basic
Public Event MaskedTextChanged As MaskedTextChangedEventHandler
XAML Attribute Usage
<object MaskedTextChanged="MaskedTextChangedEventHandler" .../>


Just after the Text property has beed changed via user input or code, the C1MaskedTextBox updates the text again in order to make it consistent with the Mask. As a result, the TextChanged event can be triggered twice on each user input. In contrast to this, the MaskedTextChanged is triggered only when Text is updated with a value that conforms to the Mask.

See Also