Popup for Windows Phone Features

ComponentOne Popup for Windows Phone allows you to create customized, rich applications. Make the most of Popup for Windows Phone by taking advantage of the following key features:


Unlike the primitive Popup class, the C1Popup control fills the entire device frame and performs animation. The IsAnimationEnabled property determines whether the control plays the default tilt animation on open and close. See Disabling the Popup Animation for details.

      Back Button Support

You can open and close the C1Popup control with the IsOpen property. Plus, with support for the device back button, users can also close the pop-up by simply pressing the back button.

      Supports Any Content

Set any content within the C1Popup control. For example, you can specify a UserControl as the content. See Creating a Popup in a UserControl for an example.

      Show or Hide Application Bar and System Tray

Set the HideApplicationBarWhenOpen property to control whether the application bar is open or closed when C1Popup is open. Also, set the HideTrayBarWhenOpen property to control the system tray visibility. See Showing the Application Bar with C1Popup Open and Showing the System Tray with C1Popup Open for details.

      Optimized performance

Unlike the primitive Popup class, the C1Popup control makes special handling to suppress underlying UI updates while popup is opened. It improves the overall application performance in cases when underlying UI is complex.

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