LayoutTransformer for Windows Phone Key Features

ComponentOne LayoutTransformer for Windows Phone allows you to create customized, rich applications. Make the most of LayoutTransformer for Windows Phone by taking advantage of the following key features:

      Rotate Any Element

Use a RotateTransform to rotate an object clockwise about a specified point in a 2-D x-y coordinate system.

      Skew Any Element

You can distort an object by a specified angle from an axis using the SkewTransform. A skew transformation is useful for creating the illusion of 3D depth in a 2-D object.

      Scale Any Element

Use a ScaleTransform to stretch or shrink an object horizontally or vertically.

      Custom Transformations

Use the MatrixTransform class to create custom transformations that are not provided by the RotateTransform, SkewTransform, ScaleTransform, or TranslateTransform classes.

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