Basic Properties

ComponentOne MaskedTextBox for Windows Phone includes several properties that allow you to set the functionality of the control. Some of the more important properties are listed below. Note that you can see MaskedTextBox for Windows Phone Appearance Properties for more information about properties that control appearance.

The following properties let you customize the C1MaskedTextBox control:





Gets or sets the input mask to use at run time. See Mask Formatting for more information.


Gets or sets the character used to show spaces where user is supposed to type.


Gets or sets the text content of this element.


Gets or sets a value that determines whether literals and prompt characters are included in the Value property.


Gets the formatted content of the control as specified by the TextMaskFormatproperty.


Gets or sets the content of the watermark.


The Text property of the C1MaskedTextBox exposes the control's full content. The Value property exposes only the values typed by the user, excluding template characters specified in the Mask. For example, if the Mask property is set to "99-99" and the control contains the string "55-55", the Text property would return "55-55" and the Value property would return "5555".

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