ActiveReports 6 Online Help
SystemPrinter Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by SystemPrinter.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSystemPrinter ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the SystemPrinter class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCanDuplexDetermines whether or not the report can be duplexed while printing.  
Public PropertyCollateDetermines whether all the pages of the report should be printed before another copy of the report.  
Public PropertyColorDetermines whether or not the report will print in color.  
Public PropertyCopiesDetermines the number of copies to print.  
Public PropertyDpiXGets the horizontal resolution of the SystemPrinter object.  
Public PropertyDpiYGets the vertical resolution of the SystemPrinter object.  
Public PropertyDuplexGets or sets the report document setting for double-sided printing.  
Public PropertyFileNameGets or sets the file name used to print to a file.  
Public PropertyFromPageSets the starting page in a print job.  
Public PropertyGraphics

Draws the page to the printer.

Public PropertyLandscapeDetermines whether or not the report will be landscaped for printing.  
Public PropertyMaxPageSets the total page count in the progress dialog when doing custom printing.  
Public PropertyPaperHeightGets or sets the paper height for printing.  
Public PropertyPaperSizeGets or sets the paper size for the page.  
Public PropertyPaperSizesReturns a reference to the collection of paper sizes the printer supports.  
Public PropertyPaperSourceGets or sets the paper source for the page.  
Public PropertyPaperSourcesReturns a reference to the collection of paper sources the printer supports.  
Public PropertyPaperWidthSets or returns the width of the paper used to print the report.  
Public PropertyPhysicalOffsetXReturns the measurement in pixels of the non-printable section on the left side of the page.  
Public PropertyPhysicalOffsetYReturns the measurement in pixels of the non-printable section at the top of the page.  
Public PropertyPortGets or sets the current printer port.  
Public PropertyPortsReturns the collection of printer ports available.  
Public PropertyPrinterNameGets or sets the name of the printer to use.  
Public PropertyPrinterNamesReturns the collection of printer names available.  
Public PropertyPrinterResolutionGets or sets the printer resolution for the page.  
Public PropertyPrinterResolutionsReturns a collection of the available printer resolutions.  
Public PropertyPrinterSettingsGets or sets the printer settings associated with the page.  
Public PropertyToPageSets the number of the last page to be printed.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAbortJobAborts the SystemPrinter print job initialized by the StartJob method.  
Public MethodEndJobEnds the SystemPrinter print job initialized by the StartJob method.  
Public MethodEndPageEnds a specific page in a SystemPrinter print job initialized by the StartPage method.  
Public MethodEscapeAllows escape codes to be entered.  
Public MethodPrintDialogShows a SystemPrinter print dialog.  
Public MethodSetupDialogShows a SystemPrinter setup dialog.  
Public MethodStartJobStarts a SystemPrinter print job.  
Public MethodStartPageStarts a specific page in a SystemPrinter print job.  
See Also


SystemPrinter Class
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Interop Namespace

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