ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Picture Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by Picture.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPicture ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Picture class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the control area.  
Public PropertyBorderGets a border object that defines the border style for each edge of the control. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyBoundsSets or returns a rectangle that defines the location and size of the control in inches. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyDataField

Gets or sets the field name from the data source to bind to the control.

(Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyDescriptionGets or sets the alternate description for the picture.  Used in the Html Export for the "alt" img tag property.  
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the control in inches. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyHyperLinkGets or sets a URL address that can be used in the viewer's HyperLink event to navigate to the specified location.  The URL is automatically converted into an anchor tag or a hyperlink in HTML and PDF exports.  
Public PropertyImageGets or sets the Image to be printed in the Picture control.  
Public PropertyImageDataFor internal use only.  
Public PropertyLeft

Gets or sets the left position of the control in inches.

(Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyLineColorGets or sets the border line color around the picture control.  
Public PropertyLineStyleGets or sets the pen style used to paint the border around the picture control.  
Public PropertyLineWeightGets or sets the pen width of the line in pixels.  
Public PropertyLocationGets or sets the location of the control in inches. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the control. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyParentGets a reference to the parent section of the control. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyPictureAlignmentGets or sets the position of the image within the control area.  
Public PropertySizeGets or sets the size of the control in inches. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertySizeModeGets or sets a value that determines how the image is sized to fit the Picture control area.  
Public PropertyTagGets or sets user-defined information to be persisted with the control. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyTitleGets or sets a URL address that can be used in the viewer's HyperLink event to navigate to the specified location.  The URL is automatically converted into an anchor tag or a hyperlink in HTML and PDF exports.  
Public PropertyTopGets or sets, in inches, the top position of the control relative to the section that contains it. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyVisibleSets or returns a value indicating whether the control will be printed. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of the control in inches. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public Methods
Public MethodBringToFrontBrings the control to the front of the z-order. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public MethodDispose()Releases the control instance from memory. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public MethodResetImageSets the current image to null.  
Public MethodSendToBackSends the control to the back of the z-order. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
Public MethodSetBoundsSets the bounds of the control to the specified rectangle. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.ARControl)
See Also


Picture Class
DataDynamics.ActiveReports Namespace

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