ActiveReports 6 Online Help
PageHeader Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by PageHeader.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPageHeader ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the PageHeader class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the section. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyCanGrow

Indicates whether the section height should grow when its controls extend beyond its original height.

(Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyCanShrink

Indicates whether the section height should be adjusted to the exact total height of its controls.

(Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyControlsGets a collection of all controls contained in the section. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyCurrentLocationGets the location of the section being rendered on the page. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the section. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the section. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertySiteFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyTagFor internal use only. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyTypeGets the section's type. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public PropertyVisible

Specifies whether the section should be printed or not.

(Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddBookmarkAdds a bookmark in the report's table of contents.  The bookmark will position the view at the start of the section if the bookmark is added in the section's Format event. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public MethodDisposeReleases the section instance from memory. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public MethodSizeToFitOverloaded. Sizes the section to fit the contained controls. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public Events
Public EventAfterPrintOccurs after the section has been rendered to the page. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public EventBeforePrintOccurs immediately before the section is rendered to the page. (Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
Public EventFormat

Occurs after the section's data is loaded and bound to the section's controls, but before the section is rendered to the canvas.

(Inherited from DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Section)
See Also


PageHeader Class
DataDynamics.ActiveReports Namespace

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