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DataDynamics.SpreadBuilder.Imaging Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The DataDynamics.SpreadBuilder.Imaging namespace contains the LineInfo class.
ClassLineInfo The LineInfo class represents a line on a spreadsheet, and all of its settings.
StructureImageInfo The ImageInfo structure is used by DDSheet.AddImage to specify various options about the image.
EnumerationImageLineStyle Used with ImageInfo.LineStyle to specify the style of the line bounding an image.
EnumerationImageLineWeight Used with ImageInfo.LineWeight to specify the weight of a line bounding an image.
EnumerationLineArrowHeadLengths Enumerated type for the Excel arrowhead length.
EnumerationLineArrowHeadStyles Excel enumerated type for arrowhead styles.
EnumerationLineArrowHeadWidths Enumerated type for Excel arrowhead widths.
EnumerationLineStyles Contains the various line styles for several versions of BIFF. Note that some values are not valid in some versions of the Excel BIFF file format.
EnumerationObjectDirection Defines the direction in which a line should render.
EnumerationSBFloatingMoveType Defines whether users will be allowed to move or resize the line in the spreadsheet.
See Also


ActiveReports.XlsExport Assembly

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