ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Adding Script to an XML-Based Report

To learn how to design a simple report based on the xml-based template, refer to the walkthrough Basic XML-Based Reports (RPX).

When adding script to an xml-based report, the following options are available:

With the xml-based report template, a user cannot use regular code. Instead, a user is able to access the controls and sections in script editor by using "this"(c#)  or "Me"(vb) in addition to the current way of using "rpt" (see Scripting for more details).

The ActiveReports script editor supports IntelliSense that helps insert the language elements and provides other helpful options when adding script to a report.

When run-time errors occur, a corresponding error message is displayed under the Preview tab with the indication of the problem.

Syntax and other types of errors are displayed in the Errors List below the ActiveReports Designer. 

See Also

