ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Windows Form Viewer Hot Keys And Shortcuts

The following shortcuts are available on the Windows Form viewer:

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Ctrl + F Shows the find dialog.
Ctrl + P Shows the print dialog.
Esc Closes the find or print dialogs.
Page Down Moves to the next page.
Page Up Moves to the previous page.
Ctrl + T Shows or hides the table of contents.
Ctrl + Home Moves to the first page.
Ctrl + End Moves to the last page.
Ctrl + Right Navigates forward.
Ctrl + Left Navigates backward.
Ctrl + - Zooms out.
Ctrl + + Zooms in.
Left, Right, Up, Down Moves the visible area of the page in the corresponding direction.
Ctrl + 0 (zero) Sets the zoom level to 100%.
Ctrl + rotate mouse wheel Changes the zoom level up or down.
Ctrl + M Turns on the Continuous scroll mode.
Ctrl + S Turns off the Continuous scroll mode.

The following shortcuts are available in the Thumbnails pane of the Windows Form Viewer sidebar.

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Up Selects the above page.
Down Selects the below page.
Left Selects the left page. If there is no left page, the last page of the previous row is selected.
Right Selects the right page. If there is no right page, the first page of the next row is selected.
Page Up Moves to the previous Thumbnail view.
Page Down Moves to the next Thumbnail view.
Home Selects the first page.
End Selects the end page.