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XLS is a format that opens in Microsoft Excel as a spreadsheet. This export does not render reports exactly as they appear in the Viewer due to inherent differences in the formats. The XLS export filter has a number of useful properties that allow you to control your output. You can set the properties either in code using the export object, or by selecting the object in the component tray below the form and using the Properties window.

Table of XLS Export Properties

TextBox Numeric Values Export

The OutputFormat property of the TextBox control supports the following numeric types:

A numeric value of the TextBox control is exported to Excel as a number if the Value property is set to a supported numeric type and the OutputFormat property is set to a valid value.

TextBox Date Values Export

A date value of the TextBox control is exported to Excel as a date if the Value property is set to a supported date type and the OutputFormat property is set to a valid value.

The numeric and date value of the TextBox control is exported to Excel as text in the following cases:

A numeric value of the Label and RichTextBox controls is always exported to Excel as text.


Does not support:

See Also

How To
