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DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Design Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Design namespace contains the designer classes and designer controls.
ClassChartDataSourceClickedEventArgs Provides data for the Designer.ChartDataSourceClicked event.

The ContextMenuOpenArgs class provides data needed for the ContextMenuOpen event.

ClassDataSourceIconClickedEventArgs This class retrieves the value from the DialogResult after the data source icon is clicked.
ClassDataSourceIconClickEventArgs DatasourceClickEventArgs holds the cancel value to stop the default Datasource dialog from showing.
ClassDesigner The Designer class is the base class for the End-User Report Designer control.
ClassDesignerTabChangedEventArgs Contains the active tab information.
ClassEditModeEnteringEventArgs This class retrieves the type of control to be edited when the user enters edit mode, allowing you to cancel editing for specified types of controls.
ClassEditModeExitEventArgs This class retrieves the type of control edited when the user exits edit mode.
ClassImages The Images class contains the list of images used by the Designer Toolbar object.

The LayoutChangedArgs class provides data required for the LayoutChanged event.


The LayoutChangingArgs class provides data required for the LayoutChanging event.

ClassReportExplorer The ReportExplorer class is the base class for the ReportExplorer control.
ClassReportFieldListProvider Field name cache used at design time.

The ScripEditorEventArgs class provides data required for the ScriptChanged event.

ClassScriptEditorOptions Options that control the Script Editor's wordwrap behavior.

Indicates the currently selected items in the report layout.

ClassUndoManager The UndoManager class allows users to undo and redo changes.
InterfaceIVsPackageIntegration Provides an interface for the VSPackage Integration service.
DelegateContextMenuOpenEventHandler Represents a method that handles the ContextMenuOpen event.
DelegateDataSourceIconClickedEventHandler Represents a method that handles the DataSourceIconClicked event.
DelegateDataSourceIconClickEventHandler Represents a method that handles the DataSourceIconClick event.
DelegateDesignerTabChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the event, containing the active tab information.
DelegateEditModeEnteringEventHandler Represents a method that handles the EditModeEntering event.
DelegateEditModeExitEventHandler Represents a method that handles the EditModeExit event.
DelegateLayoutChangedEventHandler Represents a method that handles the LayoutChanged event.
DelegateLayoutChangingEventHandler Represents a method that handles the LayoutChanging method.
DelegateScriptChangedEventHandler Represents a method that handles the ScriptChanged event.
DelegateSelectionChangedEventHandler Represents a method that handles the SelectionChanged event.
DelegateStatusChangedEventHandler Represents a method that handles the StatusChanged event.
DelegateToolboxItemChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the ToolboxItemChanged event.
EnumerationContextMenuTypes Specifies the type of menu that will be opened for this sourceObject.
EnumerationDebugMode Specifies the type of debugging.
EnumerationDesignerAction Enumeration of valid action settings for the designer.
EnumerationDesignerTab Contains information on the Designer tab types.
EnumerationDesignerToolStrips Enumeration of the types of tool strips to use with the designer.
EnumerationExitType Specifies the action to perform when the user exits edit mode.
EnumerationImageTypes Represents the images in the image list attached to the Report Explorer TreeView.
EnumerationLayoutChangeType Enumeration of change settings for the report layout.
EnumerationLayoutMode Enumeration of modes for laying out controls on the report designer.
EnumerationMeasurementUnits Specifies the ruler measurement units.
EnumerationSelectionType Enumeration of types of selection that can occur.
See Also


ActiveReports.Design6 Assembly

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